104.6 Detours and Haul Roads 1 104.6 When the Plans indicate that traffic is to be maintained on detour roads or structures, the pay items for construction and maintenance of such detours are included in the Contract or the work will be performed by the Department’s forces. If detour roads or structures are not shown on the Plans or provided for in the Contract, the Contractor is responsible to provide adequate maintenance of traffic without extra compensation. 2 104.6 If roads provided by the Department are used to haul materials or equipment, the Contractor bears a proportionate part of the construction and maintenance costs of such roads as determined by the RCE. The Contractor bears all costs of constructing and maintaining new roads that are necessary to enable hauling materials over the shortest practicable route. If the RCE so directs, restore, without extra compensation, the premises over which a haul road has been constructed to a condition similar to or equal to that existing before the haul road was constructed. 104.7 104.7 Maintenance and Maintaining Traffic 1 104.7 Unless otherwise provided, keep an existing road that is undergoing improvements open to all traffic. Maintain in a condition satisfactory to the RCE and, without direct compensation, the entire section or sections of highway within the limits of the work being performed, from the time the work begins until all the work is completed and accepted. When requested by the Contractor, the Department may assist in removing ice and snow from portions of the project that are open to traffic. Do not construe that such work by Department forces is in any way a waiver of the Contractor's responsibility as set forth herein or elsewhere in the Contract. The Contractor is not required to maintain portions of the highway or roadway that are not within the limits of the Contract. 2 104.7 Where determined necessary by the RCE, provide and maintain temporary approaches, crossings, and intersections with trails, roads, streets, businesses, parking lots, residences, garages, and farms. 3 104.7 Provide satisfactory maintenance of the old roadway, wholly or in part, even though a section or sections of the old roadway may be outside the new rightof-way, until the new road is sufficiently completed to adequately accommodate traffic. Keep all roadway sections used by the traveling public well drained at all times. Pay special attention to keeping the subgrade, newly laid subbase, base course, and surfacing in a condition that is safe and comfortable for public travel. Keep all watercourses free from obstruction. Repair all defects promptly and in a manner that ensures durability. Do everything necessary to maintain the subgrade, subbase, base course, surface course, shoulders, slopes, and ditches to the required cross-section and grade. 4 104.7 Coordinate and perform the various phases or stages of the construction, paying attention to weather conditions, seasons of the year, etc. to afford the least inconvenience to the adjacent landowners and the traveling public. 5 104.7 The Contractor is relieved of maintenance of a section or sections of the project when all work on such section or sections covered by the Contract is satisfactorily completed, the final cleaning-up performed, the punch items completed, the final inspection made, and all exceptions cleared.