1. HUD CPF Scope of Project Activities Proposed activities for the Wayne County portion ($2,011,000) of the HUD CPF allocation to be included in the HUD CPF Project Proposal are as follows: Activities 60x60x14 Brick EMS station Two drive through bays Approximately 1400 Square Feet of offices, bedrooms, bathrooms, kitchen, living area and laundry/storage The EMS facility will be located either on property leased from the US Air Force on Seymour Johnson Air Force Base or on County owned property in close proximity to the military base 2. Planning Services Planning Services required to implement the HUD CPF Project shall include, but are not limited to: a. Preparation, completion and submittal of all necessary documents to satisfy all grant conditions. b. Completion and submittal of Environmental Review Record (including Tier 1 and Tier 2 level of reviews as required) to satisfy all requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD, and the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA). c. Preparation and submittal of Request for Release of Funds, including the appropriate public notices and submittal of documents to obtain release of funds. d. Establishment of project files, financial management records and project budget ordinance in accordance with NCEM/HUD CPF requirements. e. Preparation and submittal of Project Implementation Schedule and Performance Based Contract to satisfy NCEM/DOC requirements f. Preparation of documentation indicating the low moderate benefit of project activities with area wide benefit g. Preparation, completion and submittal of the following plans and documents: 1) Citizen Participation Plan 2) Equal Opportunity Plan 3) Excessive Force Policy 4) Fair Housing Policy 5) Assessment of Fair Housing (AFH) Plan (for jurisdictions>10,000 persons) [Per NCEM, County to fall under State's Analysis of Impediments (AI).] 6) Fair Housing Complaint Procedure 7) Local Jobs Initiative Section 3 Plan 8) Policy for Equal Opportunity 9) Procurement Standards Policies and Plan 10) Language Access Plan 11) Section 504 Self Evaluation Plan 12) Section 504 Grievance Policy 13) Residential Anti-Displacement and Relocation Assistance Plan 14) Optional Coverage Relocation Plan 15) Conflict of Interest Policy 16) Any other plan or policy required by NCEM/DOC. 3. Administrative Services Administrative services required to implement the HUD CPF Project shall include, but are not limited to: a. Provision of administrative services, including but not limited to, financial management, recordkeeping, procurement procedures, compliance with NCEM/DOC/ HUD CPF requirements, citizen participation and disputes, equal opportunity compliance, periodic written status reports to the County and oral presentations to the Board of Commissioners as requested. b. Preparation, completion and submittal of all required reports and documentations, including the following: 1) Monthly Performance Reports (as required) 2) Quarterly Performance Reports 3) Semi-Annual Labor Standards Reports 4) Annual Debarment Certifications 5) Annual Performance Reports 6) Annual Section 3 Reports 7) Annual Fair Housing Reports 8) Annual Language Access Plan Reports c. Preparation and completion of all fair housing promotion activities identified in the Assessment of Fair Housing (AFH) Plan on at least a quarterly basis d. Preparation of Program Amendments, including preparation of public hearing notice, preparation of information to be made public at the public hearing, preparation of Environmental Review documents, preparation and submittal of Program Amendment documents to NCEM/DOC. e. Coordination of NCEM/DOC Monitoring visits, including attendance at monitoring visit, and completion of all monitoring checklists and all other documents required for satisfaction of monitoring requirements f. Assistance to the County in procurement of other professional services g. Complete record keeping and tracking of all expenditures, Processing of invoices, change orders and requisitions for funds. h. All coordination necessary with NCEM/DOC, the County, the public and any other group or agency for effective completion of all program activities, including attendance at Board of Commissioners meetings as requested. i. Program close out, including management of closeout public hearing process and preparation, completion and submittal of following documents: 1) Closeout Performance Report 2) Certificate of Completion 3) Property Disposition Report 4) Program Income Report 5) Accomplishments and Beneficiaries Forms 6) Affidavit of Publication of Closeout Public Hearing Advertisement 7) Certified copy of Closeout Public Hearing Board of Commissioners Minutes j. All other administrative services necessary for complete program administration, coordination and completion