The Purchasing Department will receive sealed bids to supply concrete forming materials for Jefferson County Drainage District No. 6. The Awardee shall provide all equipment, fuel, labor, materials, transportation, trucks, vehicles, and any/all other services necessary for the supply and delivery of Materials in accordance with the terms and conditions of this specification. The exact delivery site will be determined at later date. Additionally, the Awardee will provide products of the highest and best quality that are competitively priced and delivered in a timely manner. Finally, the Awardee must have experience and have an established, credible reputation for servicing large volume location customers. References to a manufacturer’s product by brand name or number are done solely to establish the minimum quality and performance characteristics required. Bidders may submit bids on alternates but must attach two (2) copies of manufacturer specifications for any alternate at the time of the bid. Further the bidder must demonstrate that the alternate proposed has a sufficient operating track record to show the equipment will perform per the specified brand. The acceptance of a bidder’s alternate rests solely with the District.