1. Expertise and past performance in School Projects: ○ Indicate any previous project experience working with a government agency, as a design professional, within the past five (5) years. Please include a brief project statement, primary contact, and whether the project was completed within scope, budget, and schedule. ○ How many K-12 school construction projects has your firm completed in North Carolina in the last five years with a focus on resurfacing or replacing outdoor tracks? ○ Of your last five track construction projects, what were your last budget estimates compared to the actual bid prices for each project? ○ What was the number of bid addenda on each of these projects? ○ What was the number of change orders and how much was the initial bid increased for these projects? ○ Describe your process and experience in determining life cycle and recommending selection of track building components and systems. ○ Have you had any legal issues or major technical issues on any of your projects (Yes/No)? If yes, please include an explanation. ○ Has your firm been involved in any litigation arising out of any of your projects in the last five years (Yes/No)? If yes, please include an explanation. 2. Staffing and proposed design team for the project : ○ Provide the number of Engineers and Architects in your firm and list your proposed consultants as well, if needed. ○ Provide an organization chart of your proposed design team specifying the Project Manager, Key Personnel, and Sub-Consultants assigned to the team and availability of