Background: • Auburn University Housing requires the maintenance of university-owned equipment. • Auburn University Housing requires the lease of commercial-grade washing machines and dryers to be used by students in university residence halls. Auburn University Housing provides laundry service to all on-campus residents free of charge and does not require or request coin or card-swipe features on any equipment. • As the University expects to see changes in its housing facilities over the term of the contract, the proposer must provide an offer that will accommodate increases and decreases in equipment placement (such as a cost per unit structure). The University is interested in creative approaches offered by proposers to provide the necessary flexibility. Any financial penalty for a decrease in equipment over the term of the contract must be detailed by the proposer, and the university will consider such penalty in the contract pricing portion of the award criteria. • The University requires the provision of a web or app-based laundry cycle tracking system for use by university students. • The University is interested in suggested physical improvements and enhancement to the existing laundry areas. Facility improvement upgrade contributions will be considered as part of the financial proposal.