1. Review intersection control at TH 71/Main Street (St.)/4th St. North (N) in Sauk Center and produce an Intersection Control Evaluation (ICE). 2. Preliminary and final geometric layout and final design for the reconstruction of TH 71 from I-94 to Birch St. N in the City of Sauk Centre. Design should include continuous Two-Way Left Turn Lane (TWTL) throughout the corridor except at the Lake Woebegon Trail Crossing. 3. Develop design memo in coordination with the level 1 geometric layout. 4. Possible retaining wall design to facilitate pedestrian facilities along the project corridor. 5. Non-motorized user facilities must be provided along one side of TH 71 within the project corridor and possible connection to the Lake Woebegon trail. 6. Public engagement with businesses, residents, and local units of government. 7. Conduct Subsurface Utility Engineering (SUE). 8. Wetland Delineation, aquatic permits, and flood plain analysis of the project corridor. 9. Environmental document for project with 4(f) impacts and coordination with MnDOT’s Cultural Resources Unit (CRU) regarding the historic corridor and properties. 10. Participate in utility coordination...