1. The successful bidder shall be responsible for mowing the areas identified in the Area Exhibits; edging all turf along walks, curbs, plant beds, signs and other obstacles; removing all litter (including litter in the roadways), fallen limbs from the entire property and hauling such debris away. Turf areas, which cannot be maintained with mowing equipment, shall be cut to specified turf height using a string-line trimmer. The property is to be free of windrows and chopped paper. Litter must be removed from turf before mowing. The successful bidder shall leave the area with a finished appearance with walks and curb areas appearing to have been swept. The successful bidder shall not simply blow litter, leaves, clippings, etc. into the streets or other property. All expansions joints, bridge abutments, light poles, signs, irrigation control boxes and equipment, irrigation valve box covers, trees and other maintenance barriers that fall within these designated grounds maintenance areas will also require trimming of grass and weeds on the specified maintenance schedule unless otherwise specified by the City. Grass and weeds growing over irrigation valve box covers shall be trimmed back to edge where valve box meets soil. Grass and weeds in expansion joints shall be cut flush with the pavement or treated with an approved herbicide. Remove grass clippings, debris, and trash from headstones and flat markers. Significant tree maintenance and tree/stump removal services are not part of this contract. 2. The successful bidder shall pick up and remove all broken glass from paved areas and turf. Any hazardous condition or any damage to City property is to be reported to the City. 3. Unless otherwise instructed, the successful bidder shall accomplish all tasks and, mowing cycles per schedules as agreed to by the City. 4. The successful bidder and the City will agree on a regular day and time for maintenance. Maintenance cycles shall be completed as specified by the City. If wet weather renders grounds too soft to carry weight of maintenance equipment without rutting, contractor shall not perform maintenance when wet grounds conditions will cause serious damage to grounds, turf, and irrigation equipment or other public or private infrastructure. Contractor shall notify the City of any significant delays (greater than 72 hours) in the maintenance schedule resultant from wet conditions. 5. The successful bidder shall set mowing equipment to cut Bermuda grass areas to a height of one and one-half inches (1-1/2") unless otherwise instructed by the City. St. Augustine grass shall be cut at a two and one-half inch height (2-1/2") or as instructed by the City. All changes in mowing height to be approved by the City. 6. Edging along curbs and sidewalks must be cut with steel blade equipment to give a vertically cut edge. 7. The successful bidder will not be permitted to mow within 16" of each tree in order to avoid damage to the trees. 8. The successful bidder shall be responsible for any damage done to plant material, monuments, markers, and other property during the maintenance operation. The successful bidder shall be responsible for replacement of all trees, shrubs, and groundcover destroyed by the successful bidder, employees or agents of the successful bidder during the maintenance operation. Trees and shrubs must not be bumped or marked by mowing, trimming or edging equipment. The successful bidder must report damage immediately to the City. Contractor shall give instruction and ensure that all maintenance personnel refrain from string trimming around tree trunks in a manner which disturbs or damages tree bark. Contractor shall also give instruction to their maintenance personnel and ensure that no trees are damaged during mowing operations. 9. The successful bidder shall furnish all supplies, tools, and equipment to be used on the job. No chemicals, herbicides (weed-killers), insecticides, fungicides, or fertilizers are to be used without the written approval of the City. Expansion joints and paver areas, are the only locations to be sprayed to eradicate weeds without City approval. 10. The successful bidder shall comply with all applicable governmental laws and regulations.