The Self-Evaluation and Transition Plan is inclusive of the programs, services, activities, and public facilities as required by the ADA. The successful consultant team will adhere to the guidance for local agencies in the State of Washington as found in the Americans with Disabilities Act. Though not intended to be an all-inclusive list, the following are specific items to be addressed with this project: 1. Prepare self-evaluation information, identify data gaps, and provide recommendations for how to address data gaps in a timely and cost-effective manner. 2. Lead and conduct outreach and engagement with key stakeholders to identify any gaps in the self-evaluation and to help prioritize barrier removal. 3. Identify processes to facilitate implementation and management of the Transition Plan. 4. Provide recommendations for mapping, reporting, and tracking progress made towards barrier removal. 5. Develop a financially constrained schedule for implementing barrier removal, based upon available funding levels. Innovative ideas and solutions are encouraged. 6. Recommend a set of milestones to all the City of Sequim to monitor progress on Transition Plan implementation.