Through this Request for Proposal (RFP) the NC Department of Adult Correction, Division of Rehabilitation and Reentry (the Department) intends to identify an Intermediary Agency for the Area listed below: 1. Pitt County 1. As part of ongoing efforts to enhance reentry funding and support for returning citizens in local communities, it is imperative that intermediary agencies strengthen collaborations with neighboring counties. Vendor shall cooperate with neighboring counties in a collective effort to reduce recidivism, enhance public safety, and improve the wellbeing of communities. To effectively execute this cooperative initiative, an intermediary will be tasked with establishing connections with the leadership of neighboring counties. This will involve fostering inter-agency cooperation between counties and reentry partners to create a cohesive and comprehensive approach to supporting individuals transitioning back to communities. The interconnected nature of reentry programs and services necessitates a regional approach that transcends individual county boundaries. By working collaboratively with neighboring counties, an intermediary can leverage resources, share best practices, and enhance the impact of collective efforts in supporting returning citizens. 2. Vendor shall serve as the Intermediary Agency responsible for officially implementing the Local Reentry Council Model in the county for which a proposal is submitted. 3. Vendor shall serve as the Fiscal Agent for the Local Reentry Council being implemented in the area for which a proposal is submitted. 4. Vendor shall serve as the liaison between the official Local Reentry Council being implemented in the area for which a proposal is submitted and the NCDAC Division of Rehabilitation and Reentry. 5. Vendor shall utilize the Department’s case management and data tracking systems as the primary systems to manage and report on participant outcomes.