The City of Golden Valley is seeking proposals from qualified companies to provide professional services to design, bid, and perform construction administration for the 2025 Mill and Overlay Project. Firms responding to this Request for Proposals (RFP) must demonstrate expertise, staffing levels and the financial capabilities to perform the work outlined below: A. Preliminary Engineering Preliminary engineering includes, but is not limited to the following items: • Topographic survey of the project area for ADA improvements • Outline of ADA scope of work • City of Golden Valley will provide: o Record drawings for existing City-owned utilities o Existing GIS-based linework in AutoCAD o Quantities and locations for curb and gutter and catch basin and manhole replacement B. Final Design • Prepare final plans and specifications utilizing City-provided contract and specification formats, including the following plan sections: o Title Sheet o Statement of Estimated Quantities (SEQ) o Standard Details o Construction Plan o Erosion Control Plan o Traffic Control Plan o Turf Establishment Plan o Striping Plan • Obtain all necessary permits • Provide an Engineer’s Opinion of Probable Cost at 90% and 100% design milestones. • Prepare final plans and specifications with the scope of work listed below for the above segments: o 2“ mill and overlay o Evaluate adjacent pedestrian ramps for ADA compliance and bring ramps up to standards if noncompliant o Remove nonfunctioning curb depressions and pedestrian ramps and regrade surrounding area o Replacement of deteriorating curb and gutter, catch basins, and manholes