The Contractor will be responsible for providing mowing equipment, tools, fuel, labor, supervision, transportation, insurance, and all other related and incidental equipment, costs and expenses to cut grass and weeds and provide nuisance abatement services at designated properties in St. Louis County. During a typical year Contractor will be assigned approximately 2800 – 3000 properties to service. Grass cutting and herbicide service are required April through November. Debris, yard waste, and hazardous waste removal may be required year-round. The grass and weeds over eight inches in height are to be cut down to a height less than four inches above ground level. The work also includes preparatory work of clearing property of all debris, yard waste, and hazardous waste prior to cutting the grass; transport and proper disposal of all debris, yard waste, and hazardous waste to the appropriate licensed facility; post- cutting work of blowing grass cuttings from streets, sidewalks and driveways and collecting any shredded litter; and, if required, application of a post-emergent, nonselective herbicide and removal of all dead vegetation.