Scope of work: The contractor shall furnish all labor, supervision, equipment, tools, parts, supplies and materials, as necessary, to perform the services as described herein: A) Stabilize recently repaired drainfield site to prevent further erosion and settling around the newly installed absorption trenches - using equipment suitable for work over drainfield trenches (ie., undercarriage using tracks as opposed to wheels) that will reduce the risk of crushing drainfield trenches and/or compacting the soil on and around the drainfield. Add additional clean topsoil (free of large stones/debris), provide grading over site, apply seed and straw. Follow all regulations and permitting pertaining to erosion and sediment control including stabilizing, seeding, and grading the site. Control construction runoff with proper practices so as not to become a nuisance to the owner or to neighboring properties or cause sediment to be discharged into state waters and drainage ditches. Any construction debris must also be removed from the site and disposed of properly. B) A valid Virginia Class C Contractors License is required. C) Submit invoice to and photos of the site once grading is complete.