Please note: This is a Sole Source Notification. Nexion Maintenance Agreement for the Department of Health and Senior Service, State Public Health Laboratory for the following equipment: NexSAR HPLC Column Oven, model number MASN8150524 NexSAR Switching Valve, model number MASN8150508 NexSAR 200 Inert Pump, model number MASN8150506 4DXX FAST Dual Rinse Autosampler, model number MASN8150391 Nexion 2000 Model P, model number MASN8150016 Durachill Chiller 208-230V/60Hz, model number ICPN0772051 The Contractor’s staff shall provide the maintenance services as outlined herein. Repairs shall be made with original manufacturer’s parts by PerkinElmer’s factory trained and certified engineers. There shall be no third-party services. Subcontracting services is not allowed.