•Provide all materials and labor to dig, form and pour concrete footers for a 16’ Security camera Pole:oSecurity pole to be provided by others•Provide and install one Access Barrier Gate:o 22’ArmoThe Owners preferred alternate for barrier gate shall be Magnetic-Access MHTM drive barrier gate.•Provide and install 36” (H) x 36” (W) x 12 (D)” NEMA 4 rated Security NEMA4 Enclosure:oProvide a 120VAC 20amp Quad-Outlet inside the enclosure.•Provide all materials and labor to dig, form and pour concrete footers for gooseneck pedestal at the entranceside of the gatesoPedestals, Card Reader, Camera, Intercom and Knox Box Key Switch to be provided by others.•Provide and install two Bollards at Pedestal•Provide and install Safety Photo Beam Detector•Provide and install Vehicle Detection Lasers•Provide and install one Meter Base Load Center Combo (Existing Electrical Enclosure on-site)