The General Plan is a visionary document that creates the framework for land development codes and development standards, and that guides and informs decision making throughout the organization. The expectation is that this process and resulting plan will help the City to better plan for future development patterns and craft appropriate professional and practical solutions for those patterns to benefit all of Hyrum City residents. And while the updated public comment and direction will help to reinvigorate the planning process, of equal if not greater value will be the creation of a dynamic and living document. It is essential that this plan has practical utility for the citizens, elected officials, and staff professionals, and must therefore be functional, accessible documents constructed for active use by the public and professionals. As such, the final product must be: Easy and intuitive for the public to access, understand, and use (avoidance of planning jargon is preferred). Concise, illustrative, consistent with itself, and strategy based. Designed to be integrated with the City’s website and/or GIS mapping programs. In compliance with LUDMA. The General Plan must contain: A community vision statement which adequately and accurately captures the desired future of the City. A historic summary and current demographic snapshot of the community with expected future growth projections. An executive summary. A cutting-edge land use section capable of guiding the growth of Hyrum City in a financially sustainable, place-making/neighborhood connecting way, that protects current and future transportation corridors; by including the following components: o An updated Future Land Use Map that includes and respects transportation corridors from the City’s Transportation Master Plan and other long-range planning tools as appropriate. o Consideration of environment, water protection, open space protection, and agricultural protection areas. o Land Use Goals and Strategies that consider recommendations for density-based zoning. o Community Design strategies for residential, commercial, central business district, mixeduse, and industrial development. o Housing strategies that will lead to a healthy mix of housing types and sizes, including but not limited to attached/detached auxiliary apartments, senior housing, and workforce housing options. o Affordable housing plan & strategies to include the State required Moderate Income Housing Plan. o Water use and preservation as required by State law. o Walkability/cycling/public transportation strategies. o Planning and Economic Development practices and considerations for land uses. o A consideration of gathering places and/or activity centers, including a Downtown City Center. o Analysis, maps, goals, and strategies to address the connection of Land Use with Transportation, Economic Development, Parks and Recreation, Open Space, and Public Services and Facilities Clear implementation strategies with specific recommended actions or next steps. Additional items as may be required by State law.