A. The Vendor must accept data files in the format created by the County’s software solution, which is currently Ingenuity, Inc. These will be provided as ASCII Fixed Format Text files. A file layout/data definition will be provided that describes the data field locations. There will be a separate data file generated for each of the four renewal notice types (Motor Vehicle, Boat, Manufactured Home, and Business/Privilege License). The Vendor must be able to pull the variable renewal data from the format(s) provided and convert it into the format(s) that they require. The County will not make changes to conform to specific Vendor imposed format requirements. B. The Vendor must provide a secure web site or ftp site to accept the Monthly upload of renewal data files. The methodology utilized must provide for an end-to-end secure encrypted connection for the upload. If any specialty software or certificates are required to utilize the service, the Vendor must furnish those at no additional cost to the County. C. The Vendor must maintain and utilize current technology for post automation and highspeed processing systems to ensure that the mail is presorted and run at the highest discount rate obtainable for the County. This will include, but is not limited to, performing CASS Certification and NCOA processing of the renewal notice mailing addresses. The Vendor will be responsible for using the mailing address information in the format and order provided by the County, to then perform any sorting, parsing, or manipulation required to get the information in the proper format to produce the desired results. The Vendor will generate an Intelligent Mail Bar Code and print it appropriately on all mailings. D. The Vendor must “Household” (mail together) notices based on specific grouping criteria as specified by the County for each renewal type. Examples of these grouping criteria could be by address, by account number, by driver license number, or other criteria specified by the County. The Vendor will work with the County on proofing these grouping criteria to get optimal results. The Vendor will work with the County and provide options for printing the grouped notices such that maximum notices per sheet are optimized but such that the final product is still easy for the citizen to interpret and use. It will be the Vendors responsibility to do any presorting, grouping, or creating of intermediate work files to accomplish the desired batching results. The Vendor will still then need to generate the final notices presorted to achieve the postage discounts as more specifically defined in the previous paragraph C. E. The Vendor must utilize ACS post mailing services to receive electronic notification of change-of-address and other non-delivery reasons to reduce manual address notifications. The Vendor must provide an electronic report or portal access to this return information for the County. The Vendor will utilize this and any other viable means to provide a continuous process of mailing address quality improvement to the County.