• Serve as access points into the local Coordinated Entry System (CES) and provide the following: o Standardized Homeless Verification Letters; o A complete survey or triage tool as identified by the local Continuum of Care for individuals and households to determine risk and prioritization for the CES; and o Assistance to become document ready. Documents may include birth certificates, social security, identification cards, and verifying disabling conditions and chronicity for chronic homeless households. • Provide services in a manner that is consistent with Housing First (HF) approach. • Include staff positions that align with the HF approach only. • Use a low barrier approach to admissions and shall not have pre-conditions for entry such as program fees, sobriety or completion of a treatment program and shall not solely deny entry into its program based on any previous discharge. • Request approval from HPO to ban any Participant from entering low barrier housing premises, and/or from receiving continued services. • Be trained and use assertive engagement, harm reduction, and trauma informed care. • Submit its vacancies to HPO daily excluding weekends and holidays. • Remain open for participants to access twenty-four (24) hours a day, seven (7) days a week. • Use the Service Prioritization Decision Assistance Tool, known as SPDAT, as the standardized assessment and on-going assessment to identify and address participant’s needs. • Develop housing plans using a standardized template based on information obtained from SPDAT. • Develop a crisis plan and a discharge plan during intake. • Develop expectations for participants instead of program or house rules. • Ensure that Performance Measure and Outcomes are data driven, negotiated, and approved by HPO using Continuous Quality Improvement. • Undergo heightened monitoring when CQI efforts fail to bring provider’s performance to a professional standard, as determined by HPO, or when a safety issue requires immediate attention.