SURFACE MILLING: Milling shall be accomplished by cold process mechanical, self-propelled milling machines capable of milling a minimum six feet (6' min.) wide strip and direct loading milled taking into haul-off trucks for all work on roadways and parking lots. Milling shall include areas at all utility and storm drain structures and over gutter pans to face of curb. Measurement shall be based on the square yard inches of milled area. Payment shall be based upon the unit price bid for square yard per inch of surface milling. EXCAVATION: Includes the removal of asphalt, concrete, stone, and soil as needed for the task, hauling and proper disposal, and shall include all labor and equipment to accomplish this item. This item shall be measured and paid based on the CY removed. COARSE STONE BASE: All materials shall conform to Anne Arundel County, Maryland's Design Manual and Standard Specifications and Details for Construction, Standard Specifications for Construction, Part II- Technical Requirements, Division 2- Public Facilities and Site Work, Sections 02621 and 02622. The material shall be placed to depths as directed by the County. This Bid Line shall be used for excavated depths greater than six inches (6"). This item shall be measured and paid based on the tonnage installed...