• Dig Safe site prior to work being done - Coordinate with Claremont DPW about marking water lines and sewer lines • Install concrete landing at East Door (rear of building) and replace with same size as existing. - 5” depth 4000 psi concrete reinforced with 6x6 x 6 ga. WWM. - Full depth reclaim asphalt of approximately 14,750 sq. ft adjust sub-grade as required for paving and fine grade. • Concrete Removal and disposal of approximately 1,200 sq. ft. (behind the building and the front apron.) • Asphalt and cobblestone removal of approximately 3,250 sq. ft. under the front apron. - Excavate subgrade to 12” depth and replace with NH DOT 1.5” crushed gravel. • Paving of approximately 520 tons throughout the parking lot and ramp to a 4” depth. - 2.5” compacted depth NH DOT ¾” base asphalt 1.5” compacted depth NHDOT 1/2” wearing course. - Install approx. 120 linear feet of sloped granite curb along the edge of the parking lot on Tremont St. side of the parking lot. - Excavate along existing concrete foundation wall approx. 20’length to 12” below grade and saw cut to remove the wall. Backfill with gravel and compact. • Project Plan to be coordinated with the Fire Chief prior to work starting, to prevent any hindrances to Emergency Response • Provide all necessary traffic control when and as needed.