The Town of Northfield is requesting proposals for engineering services for a project to construct pedestrian improvements (see project description in scope of work) funded in part by the Federal Highway Administration and the Town of Town of Northfield, through the Vermont Agency of Transportation (VTrans) Municipal Assistance Section (MAS). The project is managed locally by Jeff Schulz Municipal Project Manager. The owner of the project is the Town and the ultimate authority for the design engineering. Project development must follow the VTrans Municipal Assistance Section (MAS) process. Questions related to the MAS project development process can be answered by the VTrans Project Supervisor / Manager Chris Hunt, Municipal Assistance Section, at email All work will be accomplished in accordance with the following: • MAS Guidebook for Municipally Managed Projects (found on the VTrans MAS website ). • MAS Project Development Process flow chart (found on the VTrans MAS website). • Specifications for Contractor Services (found on the VTrans MAS website). SCOPE OF WORK The Town of Northfield has entered into an agreement with the Vtrans to add pedestrian improvements along Wall Street from the Downtown Common to the Dog River Park on Water Street. The goal of the project is to enhance pedestrian connections in Northfield and specifically from the Downtown. The project area includes Wall Street and Water Street from the intersection with Wall Street to south end of the Dog River Park. The proposed improvements will cross the railroad tracks on Wall Street which will require discussions and approval by road rail representatives. An extension scoping process for this project was recently completed and a copy of the scoping report is located on the Town’s web-site The complete RFP is attached and on the Town's web-site. This project is funded in part by the Federal Highway Administration (FHA) and Vtrans. Accordingly, all aspects of project development, from developing a purpose and need statement to constructing the project, must conform to federal and state regulations.