Analyze building data and enrollment trends at both Lee's Summit Elementary and Westview Elementary to make a recommendation on the next steps to the board of education. Tasks: Review demographic data, trends, district standards and MSIP standards Review all options for the two buildings moving forward in regards to K-5 education. Those may include, but are not limited to: Keeping the building boundaries as is Consolidating to one elementary building Make a recommendation to the Board of Education on the best option for the two buildings with specific regard to the 2025 Bond that is data-driven and student-centered. The recommendation will not include staffing or future use of facilities if a building is vacated, as those have other processes and teams assigned Membership: The district will collect the following types of individuals with interest, then a random drawing will be held publicly to fill spots if interest exceeds places: 20 parents from Lee's Summit Elementary 20 parents from Westview Elementary 10 at large residents/non-active parents of students in either Lee's Summit and Westview Elementary...