This project will produce a set of drawings and project manual for a roadway reconstruction project. The project will be designed and constructed in accordance with the City of Topeka and Shawnee County Standard Technical Specifications. Basic Services provided may include, but are not limited to the following: A. Meet with City staff at critical stages throughout design. B. Perform field and topographic surveys. C. Coordinate with other City utilities and private utility owners. D. Design roadway improvements including 2” mill and overlay, curb and gutter, sidewalk ramps where necessary, new traffic signals at SW 37th Street and SW 29th Street, and pavement marking and signing, etc. Full reconstruction plans for the intersections of 37th & 29th. The consultant will work with the City’s right of way agent, to obtain needed right of way and/or temporary easements prior to the letting. The consultant will prepare the necessary legal descriptions needed for acquisitions. E. Communicate and work with Rhythm Engineering to ensure the Insync detection corridor timing is optimized. Make sure to account for any new developments and their generated trips (will be provided Traffic Studies). The Project Manager for the City will help facilitate this communication. F. Work with Traffic Operations and incorporate their revisions into the new signals at 29th & 37th. Additionally, communicate all traffic markings and signs with this department and incorporate their comments into the design. G. Work with the City Project Manager and Utilities Department to determine utility replacements. H. Work with Development Projects to match their ROW Asset improvement with this project. I. Incorporate Utility Replacements into the project plans; J. Develop a traffic control plan to carry traffic through construction or a detour if full closure is determined to be more suitable.