Mowing 1. All lawn areas shall be mowed to a height of 3” minimum and a 5” maximum height (summer) on a seven to ten-day schedule during the growing season with weather consideration or as required to maintain appearance. Height should be maintained at 3“ for the balance of the year. 2. All mowing equipment shall be maintained to provide sharpest cut and cleanest cut of individual grass blades. 3. Contractor to blow grass clippings, leaves and debris from the patio, pathways, sidewalks and roadways. Care is to be taken so as not to direct grass clippings into mulch beds and gravel pathways. Grass clippings in turf areas may be allowed to remain to decompose unless they accumulate in wind rows. Such surplus clippings must be removed by raking or blowing. Extra care should be taken not to blow clippings into the creeks, river, and waterbodies. 4. Contractor to take extreme care so as not to leave tire prints from equipment when soil beneath turf is wet due to irrigation or rains. The contractor also takes care to avoid scalping turf and exposing bare areas. Trimming 1. Mechanical edging to occur a seven to ten-day schedule during growing season where turf abuts walkways, curbs, sidewalks, driveways, groomed beds or other areas where a clean edge would be reasonably expected. 2. The specific method of mechanical edging is left to the contractor's discretion, but the end result must be acceptable to Management. 3. The contractor also takes care to avoid scalping turf and exposing bare areas. 4. Contractor to take care to avoid damaging mulched ornamental trees. Leaf Removal 1. Leaves will not be allowed to remain in ditch lines, culvert headers, drain basins, walkways, roadways or other non-forested areas. 2. Leaf cleanup will take place per schedule with leaves hauled from the community to discard offsite