Aethos Barco F70-4k8 Center-Mount Planetarium System Specifications - System must be composed of: ● Two center-mounted Barco F70-4k8 DLP projectors with physically masked fisheye projection lenses for a high quality seam in bright and dark scenes (software black level matching is not acceptable). ○ 8,000 lumens per projector base brightness (measured with flat screen lens) ○ Laser-phosphor illumination with 20,000 hour lifetime ○ Approximately 3.7K resolution along any meridian ○ Projection angle of 166 degrees ● Two optical video cables from server to projectors ● Permanently mounted fisheye camera and laser marker based auto-calibration system ● Single tower form factor combined control and image generator server with ○ All solid-state construction other than cooling fans ○ Quiet operation of <30 dBA (typical @ 1m) ○ Smooth real-time simulation performance with a high speed CPU running at up to 5.6GHz and a powerful NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 GPU ○ Embedded 64-bit low-latency Linux operating system for reliability and performance. No OS understanding or maintenance is required other than running automated updates. ○ Solid-state NVMe OS and Media drives for unparalleled reliability and performance ○ Four user accessible drive bays not requiring sleds ○ Full solid state system restore disk included in case of emergency...