The City of Golden Valley is seeking proposals from qualified companies to provide professional services to design, bid, and perform construction inspection and administration for the TH-55 Frontage Road Watermain Relocation project. Firms responding to this Request for Proposals (RFP) must demonstrate expertise, staffing levels and the financial capabilities to perform the work outlined below: A. Project Management Perform all work necessary to effectively complete the project, maintaining schedule and budget. This will include an on-site kickoff meeting, progress meetings with City staff, coordination with public agencies and private utilities, and monthly invoices with progress reports including cost expended, percent complete, staff, hours, and billing rates for each task. B. Preliminary Engineering Preliminary engineering shall include: • Topographic and utility survey of the project area including all above and below ground public and private utilities and physical features that may be disturbed by the project. • Review existing record drawings and MnDOT TH-55 Shared Use Trail design plans within the extents of the City’s proposed watermain relocation. • Review geotechnical records and prepare a summary report. • Develop layout drawing of existing conditions, including the existing topography, utilities, rightof-way extents, easements, and an overlay of a proposed watermain alignment. • Develop a permit matrix summarizing the anticipated permits required for project construction