SEC. 2.01 SCOPE OF WORK Except as otherwise provided in the contract, the Contractor shall furnish all necessary materials, labor, supervision, services, equipment, tools, supplies, power, accessories, facilities, shipping and other items and services necessary for accomplishing the work to include any necessary inspections and return serviceable and airworthy. All items are subsidiary and incidental to the contract and no additional payment will be made. Wherever the contract provides that certain work is subsidiary, or it is without extra compensation, the payment for that work is included in the payment for the pay item and no further or additional payment shall be made for that work. The contractor shall perform avionics repairs, installation of new and used avionics equipment and complete wiring on DPS aircraft on an as-needed basis including as-needed field repairs. EXCEPTION: Should an aircraft need avionics repairs while outside the Fairbanks area, including outside the State of Alaska, the state reserves the right to contract with a local facility. The State does not guarantee a minimum number of hours. The state reserves the right to contract with other vendors for specialized avionics modifications. Avionics maintenance/repairservicesto include: - routine, scheduled and non-scheduled maintenance; - scheduled maintenance, servicing and inspections; - component/parts repairs as allowed and as applicable below; - installation of avionics in DPS aircraft as required The Alaska Department of Public Safety (DPS) is a full-service state police organization which conducts both law enforcement and wildlife enforcement duties across the entirety of the state of Alaska. Because of the vast spans of wilderness in the last frontier separate 82% of our communities from the road system, creating a challenge totally unique to our state. The department operates a multitude of fixed wing and rotary wing aircraft to meet various mission requirements. These aircraft primarily support wildlife enforcement, search and rescue efforts and numerous other law enforcement related missions. The DPS primary maintenance and logistics headquarters is located at Lake Hood Airport (LHD/PALH) in Anchorage, Alaska. This facility serves as the primary maintenance and logistics facility for the department’s entire state-wide flight operation with a secondary facility at Fairbanks International Airport (FAI/PAFA) in Fairbanks, Alaska. It is imperative that vendors are located within a reasonable distance from the DPS FAI facility. The department has considered critical elements such as logistics support and travel times involved conducting site visits, quality assurance inspections and mandatory return to service flights when establishing the proximity requirement. The Contractor's facility shall be located within 35 nautical miles of the DPS FAI hangar facility. The Contractor shall have ownership of, or an established term lease of a maintenance and hangar facility building capable of safely accommodating DPS aircraft. If the Contractor has a lease, the time remaining on the lease, at the time of the award of this contract, shall be no less than one year. Hangar facility leases may be established after award of this contract; however, the lease shall be completely established within fifteen days of final award. Hangar facilities must be fully operational and available for inspection upon expiration of this fifteen-day period. If the Contractor has the appropriate liability insurances, there may be occasions where working in our hangars and with our tools is a possibility with advanced approval of the Aircraft Section. The Contractor will be expected to be fully prepared to complete tasks and projects and shall not charge the state travel time or shop time for forgotten items or inoperable equipment (e.g. test equipment).