Vegetation Mowing • Cut back vegetation below rock mow strip and remove thatch; Trash and Debris Collection • Collect and remove trash and debris below rock mow strip; Overall Function Inspection and Maintenance • Monitor flow paths and structures are functioning and are not blocked, damaged, etc. Remove excessive material or repair as necessary; Vegetation Monitoring and Maintenance • Monitor vegetative health of wetland and native plant species, replant or reseed if necessary Throughout season • Remove invasive and weed plant species (herbicide applications can be used selectively through growing season, with approval) Throughout season • Monitor for volunteer trees below rock mow strip and remove if found Throughout season • Annually cut back to grade and remove all cattail vegetation Winter/Spring • Remove built-up vegetative debris and sediment from the pools, riffles, and wetlands to reduce their encroachment into open water areas and flow paths and maintain capacity of the system Winter/Spring...