Identify the benefits of public arts in an economically, politically, socially, and environmentally changing climate. Articulate a role for Dakota County in public art provision and co-develop a framework vision, goals, strategies and high-level policies to guide the County’s future activities in a more coordinated manner. The project will include a more detailed pilot project for the Dakota County Parks System. Plan and coordinate the engagement of stakeholders, including the general public, artists and arts organizations, cities, community groups, County government departments, and the County Public Arts Advisory Committee, in formulating recommendations for public art for County departments, programs, facilities, and parks. At a county level, identify opportunities and general themes for public arts in County facilities, based on a staff-conducted inventory of facilities and existing public art. Create a more comprehensive public art overlay plan that identifies opportunities for natural and cultural-based art within the Dakota County Parks system. Identify funding/budget, staffing, organizational structure, policy, procedural, and oversight needs, and partnership opportunities. Provide direction on how to strategically incorporate public art into future Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) budget requests as well as programming, engagement, and CIP planning and design efforts. Assist in developing boundaries and criteria for decision-making, including future public art acquisition and development, and guidelines for maintenance and deaccessioning of public art. Document the key planning elements in a concise and compelling plan document. Add-Alternate: Review current public art installations and provide recommendations for any existing public art that should be decommissioned.