Starlite Court ReconstructionThis Project consists of underground utility work including the replacement of the existing 6-inch ductile iron water main and copper services with new 10-inch HDPE water main and poly services, fire hydrant replacement, installation of temporary water systems to maintain service to affected residents; installation of sewer service cleanouts, replacement of existing main line sewer cleanout with new end of line sanitary sewer manhole, and replacement of existing corrugated metal pipe driveway and roadway culverts with corrugated plastic pipes. The WORK will also include the removal, regrading and replacement of the roadway subbase, basecourse and asphalt pavement, reconditioning of the roadway ditches and the addition of valley gutter and a new storm drain inlet structure at the mid-block cul-de-sac. Other items of WORK include but are not limited to, installation of concrete headwalls, mailbox removal and reconstruction, topsoil and seeding, and other miscellaneous improvements necessary for a complete project.