Oregon State University intends to contract for the provision of Ring Shear Testing Equipment from GCTS Testing Systems as a sole source because of the contractor being the single provider of the goods and/or services. OSU has a need for equipment that must be able to handle very large shear stresses (e.g. >1000kPa), exceed 360degrees/min rates of displacement and be as low as 0.001degrees per minute, have means of characterizing the small-strain response of a sample via bender elements, and accommodate a 150mm diameter sample. Further, it must have the capabilities of testing unsaturated samples, as unsaturated conditions may be present at the onset of movement. GCTS Testing Systems has bender elements for small-strain testing, unsaturated testing, and the load and sample size capacity necessary for understanding the behavior of shear zone samples from Oregon landslides. Please note: This is a Sole Source Notification.