• Contractor will accept on a monthly basis a file from LDR in a mutually agreed upon format containing taxpayer address records. Contractor will process this file to perform a match against a National Change of Address (NCOA) database. Contractor will return to LDR a results file in a mutually agreed upon format, preferably .TXT, containing taxpayer address changes encountered during the match process. • Contractor will provide these services for an estimated 8,063,000 taxpayer address records each month. The State will be responsible for the control, management and supervision of the services and any results achieved. The number of taxpayer address records provided by the State are an estimate of the address matches required and do not imply or commit a fixed price contract. • Contractor shall be a licensed NCOA48 Month Full-Service licensee of the USPS. • Contractor shall have SOC 2 Type 2, to assure data security. All data transfers between parties should be PGP encrypted. • Initial (onboarding) and annual mandatory training is required. Initial training will occur before access to the Agency’s data (commingled with FTI) will be granted. • Output shall be returned in the current format to minimize the Agency having to rewrite software to ingest the data.