Unclassified Excavation Gal/CY 0.29 Borrow Excavation Gal/CY 0.29 Class IV Subgrade Stabilization Gal/Ton 0.55 Aggregate Base Course Gal/Ton 0.55 Sub-Ballast Gal/Ton 0.55 Erosion Control Stone Gal/Ton 0.55 Rip Rap, Class _____ Gal/Ton 0.55 Asphalt Concrete Base Course, Type ____ Gal/Ton 0.90 or 2.90 Asphalt Concrete Intermediate Course, Type ____ Gal/Ton 0.90 or 2.90 Asphalt Concrete Surface Course, Type ____ Gal/Ton 0.90 or 2.90 Open-Graded Asphalt Friction Course Gal/Ton 0.90 or 2.90 Permeable Asphalt Drainage Course, Type ____ Gal/Ton 0.90 or 2.90 Sand Asphalt Surface Course, Type ____ Gal/Ton 0.90 or 2.90 Ultra-thin Bonded Wearing Course Gal/Ton 0.90 or 2.90 Aggregate for Cement Treated Base Course Gal/Ton 0.55 Portland Cement for Cement Treated Base Course Gal/Ton 0.55 > 11" Portland Cement Concrete Pavement Gal/SY 0.327 Concrete Shoulders Adjacent to > 11” Pavement Gal/SY 0.327 9” to 11" Portland Cement Concrete Pavement Gal/SY 0.272 Concrete Shoulders Adjacent to 9” to 11” Pavement Gal/SY 0.272 < 9” Portland Cement Concrete Pavement Gal/SY 0.245 Concrete Shoulders Adjacent to < 9” Pavement Gal/SY 0.245