A. The MDOT SHA Churchville Facility is soliciting bids for an hourly rate to mill and pave various locations within all of Harford County on an “as needed” basis. The contractor must provide one (1) asphalt paver with a capacity of paving 8’ to 12’ width with an operator, screed operator, and asphalt loot operator; one (1) 3-5-ton roller with vibrator with an operator; one (1) tac truck to apply asphalt binder prior to the placement of asphalt with operator; one (1) skid loaded with operator and one (1) milling or grinding machine equipped with a belt loader with operator. The operators of each machine must have a minimum of five (5) years’ experience in the operation of the applicable machine. B. Milling and paving services will be conducted at various locations within Harford County as deemed necessary by the Resident Maintenance Engineer during normal business and/or overnight hours. A minimum of four (4) hours will be paid for each job. The tac truck and roller will be used and billed at a maximum of four (4) hours per shift. The contractor will arrive on time at the location instructed with equipment and operators ready for work on an “as needed” basis. State Highway Administration will provide traffic control, hauling, and supplies and materials necessary to perform and complete assignments under this contract. Tac will be provided by the contractor in the tac truck. Overtime, maintenance and repairs including fuels, oils and grease, insurance, tac material, taxes, and transportation for pick-up and delivery of equipment and personnel are incidental to the contract and are to be included in the hourly rate. Any necessary hauling permits are the responsibility of the contractor; any cost is considered incidental and should be included in the hourly rate. C. Paving services shall include but are not limited to, spreading of materials such as asphalt, millings, and stone and compacting with a roller. The patch surface, after final completion, shall be sufficiently smooth and true to the established line and grade.