a. GNSS Receiver – 900 MHz, Construction b. Premium Precise base with all Constellations (must enable the output of corrections via CMR, CMR+, CMRx, and RTCM as well as enable triple frequency tracking of the BeiDou constellation) c. GNSS rover antenna d. 8” rubber whip antenna, 900 MHz, reverse polarity e. External Radio Antenna kit, 900 MHz reverse polarity f. External Radio Antenna kit, 450-470 MHz g. TDL 450Hx – 35W Radio System kit; 450-470 MHz h. 900 MHz radio antenna, 30m length i. 450 MHz radio antenna, 30m length j. Any other hardware/software items necessary for the full function of the permanent continuous operating GPS system including lightning arrestors. k. Initial, in-person training must be included as well as the ability to provide future in-person and phone support as needed. l. System must include remote support.