1. Rental of one rotary wing aircraft, including fuel truck, fully contractor operated and equipped, as per the attached specifications. 2. Guaranteed Exclusive Use availability period is a minimum of forty-two (42) days during spring fire season. 3. The Optional Use period is day by day with no guarantee. 4. Bid price is for daily availability; see Exhibit I – Contract Rate Summary for more information. 5. Helicopters, equipped per specifications with a 200-pound pilot, must meet the following hover out-of-ground effect (HOGE) performance minimums with fuel for one hour and thirty minutes (includes 20-minute reserve) at 1,200 feet pressure altitude and 20⁰C 6. Light Helicopters must have a minimum jettisonable payload of 925 pounds and a minimum non-jettisonable payload of 800 pounds and must contain a minimum of 4 passenger seats. Intermediate Helicopters must have a minimum jettisonable payload of 1,275 pounds and a minimum non-jettisonable payload of 1,100 pounds and must contain a minimum of 5 passenger seats. Contract Period: Notice to Proceed thru December 31, 2025 Exclusive Use Period: March 20th thru May 31st, 2025. Optional Use Period: Notice to Proceed thru December 31, 2025 (excluding the Exclusive Use Period). Primary Base: Willow River, MN