• Enforcing all park rules and ordinances (see attached). All Security Guards and the Security Company owner must attend an informational meeting given by the Parks & Recreation Department explaining all of the park rules in detail. • It is the responsibility of the Security Company to make sure that all staff are properly trained in the policies and procedures of Lynn Deming Park. All staff assigned must read, understand and sign off, that they understand the policies and procedures. • To sell vehicle and boat permits to residents and/or taxpayers (8 a.m. to 8 p.m.), (day passes are available at the P&R Office only!) • Security Guard will be responsible for filling out registration cards for each sticker sold, completing a daily log and entering the information into the computer provided on a daily basis. • Security Guard must offer a copy of the park rules to every person purchasing a park sticker. • Each guard must administrate all paperwork and accounting of permit sales for their shift. • The Security Company is responsible for depositing their shift’s revenues at Webster Bank located on Main Street in New Milford. • The Security Company is responsible for bringing receipts of the day and account sheets along with day pass stubs to the Parks and Recreation Office, 2 Pickett District Road, a minimum of every other day. • To allow entrance only to those vehicles, boats, trailers, and Jet Ski type vehicles that have valid permits. To prohibit additional vehicle trips to bring in more people.