4. Responsibilities and Tasks OPHI will monitor the work of the Contractor, including approving deliverables. The Contractor fulfilling this project will complete the following: 4.1. Meet virtually with PCO staff for an initial kick off meeting and within two (2) weeks of any award resulting from this solicitation for a first key informant meeting. 4.2. Build an appropriate and comprehensive understanding of how provider data is to be updated per HRSA’s provider policy and SDMS’ manuals. 4.2.1. Manual for Policies and Procedures 4.2.2. Designation Management User Guide 4.2.3. Provider Management User Guide 4.2.4. User Management User Guide 4.3. The selected vendor will be granted access to SDMS for Maryland to upload provider data. 4.3.1. The selected vendor will sign confidentiality documents relating to the confidentiality of data, not sharing, duplicating, or utilizing data other than what is required for this proposal.