The Hawaii BRFSS is a multi-modal landline and cellphone survey of health and health risk behaviors administered monthly to residents 18 years and older in the State of Hawaii. The Hawaii BRFSS intends to complete a total of 6,500 telephone interviews annually. This includes 20% landline and 80% cellphone samples. Given the geographic and ethnic diversity of the population, Hawaii BRFSS collects sufficient sample sizes to enable accurate estimation of differential prevalence by county, local community, Hawaii‐specific ethnicities, and other disparate groups. The Hawaii BRFSS is performed to specifications provided by the CDC for all states that participate in the surveillance system. A general description of the BRFSS can be found on the CDC website ( Those not already familiar with BRFSS protocols and procedures are urged to review the training section, which includes a User’s Guide and BRFSS interviewer training, data files, and technical information that includes a memo on the operational details of the survey (collectively referred to as the “BRFSS Protocols and Procedures”). Hawaii-specific surveys can be found on the DOH website ( and the Hawaii Health Data Warehouse (HHDW) website (