Specifications include, but are not limited to: Care and Handling of Seedlings • Seedlings shall be protected at all times from drying, heating, smothering, freezing, crushing, drowning, abrasion, rapid temperature fluctuations or contact with injurious substances • Prior to placing seedlings in the planting bags, the tree planters shall completely submerge the planting bag liners in water. Planting bag liners shall be kept completely moist at all times • Bare root seedlings shall be dipped in water with Terra-Sorb before being placed in planting bags. Banding material shall be cut or removed over the top of bare root seedling bundles and bundles shall be loosened and split in half prior to dipping in water. Seedling dipping and bagging shall be conducted in an organized manner so that root exposure to the outside air does not exceed 15 seconds