BOMB SUIT SPECIFICATIONS: Fragmentation Protection – The EOD Suit and Helmet shall provide V50 fragmentation protection as per the table below, including, those that exceed the minimum values required by NIJ Standard 0117.01, when tested and documented by an independent test facility in accordance with the best test methods of NIJ standard 0117.01. Blast Overpressure Protection – As documented by an independent test facility and conducted in accordance with the test methods of NIJ standard 0117.01. The NIJ standard only includes a qualitative test method (blast integrity) related to blast overpressure, for a blast condition involving 0.567 kg of C4 explosive at a horizontal standoff of 0.6 m from a suitable test mannequin, as specified in the standard. In addition, the EOD suit shall be tested for quantitative blast overpressure protection, in the configuration described in Section 5.9 from NIJ 0117.01 (0.567 kg C4 @ 0.6 m test condition). The following percentage reductions, compared to an unprotected case, must be measured: 90% or higher for the chest overpressure, 85% or higher for the ear overpressure, and 85% or higher for head acceleration (average of a minimum of 3 trials)...