3.1.1. The purpose of this contract is to remove and dispose of all eligible debris from FEMA eligible Private Property and Commercial Property, and City Maintained Right of Ways (ROW). This contract will be awarded on a 120-day basis, and may, at the City’s discretion, be extended until June 30, 2025. In addition, it may, at the City’s discretion, have 3 additional two-year contract extensions. 3.1.2. The Contractor may be required to secure and permit Debris Reduction Site(s). If tasked to provide debris site(s), the Contractor shall prepare, operate, and restore the Debris Reduction Site(s). The site(s) shall be approved by the State of Arkansas. Restoration of the debris reduction site must adhere to all State of Arkansas regulations and requirements. 3.1.3. Vegetative debris shall be taken for reduction to the Debris Reduction Site. Reduction will be made by either compaction, burning, or chipping. Construction and Demolition (C&D) debris will be taken to a temporary debris site or directly to permitted landfill. 3.1.4. Any damage to public property, sidewalks, curbs, or streets outside of shall be repaired at the expense of the Contractor. 3.1.5. Haul and Dispose. The work shall consist of clearing, separating, and removing any and all eligible debris, including ROW of streets and roads. Work shall include: (1) examining and sorting debris to determine whether or not debris is eligible; (2) loading and sorting the debris; (3) hauling the eligible debris to an approved Debris Site. Ineligible debris shall not be loaded, hauled, or dumped under this contract. The City shall be immediately notified of any ineligible debris located at the ROW for collection.