The following specifications apply to all signal analyzers: • Frequency Range of 2 Hz to ~45 GHz or more. The higher the better for the project. • Close In Phase Noise of ~-130 dBc/Hz typical (10 kHz offset) or better • Display Average Noise Level (DANL) of -135 dBm at 23 to 30 GHZ or better with Preamp off and -150 dBm at 45 GHz or better with Preamp on. The lower the DANL, the better for the project. • Resolution Bandwidth of (-3dB bandwidth) 1 Hz to 10 MHz in 1/2/3 steps • Noise Figure Measurement is optional • Aging Rate of ± 1 x 10-7/year or better • Licensing should be perpetual so that UND does not have to keep renewing or purchasing additional licenses • Signal Generator should be controllable from a computer via a robust Graphical User Interface (GUI) with capabilities like multiple channel capability, trace, event-based monitoring, etc. • The GUI should also have SCPI recorder, Python code and data export (.csv or other) capabilities • The product should have a comprehensive warranty and adequate support services at no or minimal additional cost • UND would require some training on how to use the signal analyzer after the radar setup is complete