The Town proposes to lease the Town-owned building known as the Fiske Law Office (the “Building”) and the parcel of land thereunder, located at 598 Boston Post Road, Weston, and described in a deed recorded with the Middlesex South District Registry of Deeds in Book 5240, Page 527 (the “Land”). The Land and the Building are referred to, together, as the “Premises.” The Land contains 6 acres, more or less. The Building contains 748 net rentable square feet. It is configured in two front rooms in a single story constructed ca. 1805 and a two-story, rear ell constructed in 1923. The upper level must be used for employees only. The lower level is handicapped accessible, making it the only area in the building open to the public. In 2009, the Town concluded a major renovation of the Premises which included replacing the Building’s roof, septic, and HVAC system; wiring the building for technology; resurfacing the parking lot; renovating the bathroom; upgrading the electrical system; restoring/replacing the windows; and adding insulation. There are 2 dedicated surface parking spaces in a parking lot to the rear of the building in addition to ample on street parking. The Building is served by a forced hot air gas fired furnace and central air conditioning. The first floor of the rear ell is fully handicapped accessible. The Premises is zoned Residence-District D which requires Site Plan Approval and Special Permitting for most non-residential uses. The Premises are subject to oversight by the Weston Historical Commission. All use of the Premises shall be in accordance with the “Fiske Law Office Rental Guidelines,” which are included as Attachment B.