Provide all surveys in current AutoCAD format with an attached, signed and sealed hardcopy. Include symbol legend, scale and north arrow. The survey must include the following elements: A. Boundary Information 1. Conduct a boundary survey of the subject property to locate the topographic survey area in relation to the existing site boundary and adjacent right-of-way. 2. Obtain and incorporate a recorded boundary survey into the AutoCAD survey file, ensuring it is tied to the NC Grid. 3. Provide the name and address of the property owner, parcel ID numbers, deed book references, plat book references, and PIN numbers of the subject property. 4. Include acreage and a vicinity map of the property. 5. Identify zoning classification and land use (residential, office, etc.). 6. Identify setback requirements per applicable zoning ordinances. 7. Identify and document all public and private easements, including blanket easements, within the survey limits with reference details. 8. Identify FEMA floodplain and/or floodway areas within the subject property or provide a statement confirming no flood hazard area is present. Include the FEMA panel number referenced. B. Topographic Information On-Site 1. Conduct a ground survey (aerial surveys are not accepted) with topographic contours at 1-foot intervals extending 50 feet past all property lines. Include spot elevations at critical points. 2. Tie the topographic survey to a datum benchmark, if available within 2000 feet of the property. Indicate datum reference. 3. Establish and indicate both permanent and temporary site benchmarks sufficient for site coverage. 4. Document the Finished Floor Elevation (FFE) of existing structures at all ingress/egress points. 5. Provide a brief description of existing structures, including construction type and number of stories. 6. Locate and label all existing site improvements, including but not limited to: Town of Granite Falls Request for Qualifications – Boundary and Topographic Survey Page 3 of 5 o Signage (types) o Sidewalks, including curb and gutter o Steps, ramps, pavement (asphalt, concrete, or gravel) o Curb & gutter (indicate size and locate curb cuts) o Paint striping, dumpsters, retaining walls, fences (type, height), benches, etc. 7. Locate and label (species, size) all individual trees within the survey limits and the edges of wooded areas. 8. Locate and document the edges of all landscaped areas, including descriptions of shrubs and plantings. 9. Locate and document all natural and man-made surface drainage features, such as culverts, streams, ditches, and channels. 10. Locate and document all subsurface drainage features, including: o Inlets, junction boxes, cleanouts o Pipes (including roof leaders) o Headwalls and flared end sections o Pipe sizes, materials, inverts, inlet structures, rim elevations o Headwall dimensions, materials, invert, top wall elevations, and riprap apron dimensions 11. Locate and label all above-ground and underground utilities, including but not limited to: o Meters of all types, post indicator valves o Power poles and power lines o Telephone and fiber optic lines o HVAC equipment, backflow preventers, fire hydrants o Basins, boxes, manholes, including elevations and inverts o Water, sewer, and gas services (sizes, materials, valve locations, public or private ownership, service lines, easements, etc.) 12. Locate soil borings if borings were drilled prior to the survey.