To improve viral hepatitis screening, management, and treatment capacity among providers and healthcare team members in Hawaiʻi, the Hawaiʻi Department of Health is seeking a vendor to provide overall planning and coordination of the Hawaiʻi Liver Summit, an in-person, continuing education event targeting local healthcare providers in Honolulu in December 2025. Required activities for the vendor include: A. Program planning: coordinate and document at least 6 meetings with planning faculty; coordinate by emails to complete action items from meetings; collaborate with relevant partners such as Hep Free Hawaiʻi and National Hep B Task Force (which voluntarily hosts registration); B. Recruitment planning: develop marketing and advertising strategies and materials to promote registration; C. Accreditation planning: identify and coordinate CME/CE credit requirements and application; D. Evaluation planning: develop metrics and survey to demonstrate practice changes; To ensure effective engagement with local infrastructure and cultural mores, funding is for a vendor that can demonstrate: a) current educational and clinical support for viral hepatitis to organizations and/or providers; b) previous experience with planning and/or implementing in-person viral hepatitis educational programs in Hawai'i; c) collaboration with faculty trainer(s) with at least 10 years clinical experience treating patients for viral hepatitis in Hawai'i. For more details on activities and minimum qualifications, refer to attached “Scope and Instructions for 2025 Liver Summit Planning”.