This project is the Bridge Preservation Activities of the existing structure carrying US 422 over the Allegheny River and other miscellaneous construction, as indicated on the approved drawings included in the bid package for STATE ROUTE 422, SECTION 160, in Armstrong COUNTY North Buffalo and Manor TOWNSHIPS from approximately The start of the existing structure at segment 0200 offset 0096 to approximately the end of the existing structure at segment 0228 offset 0736. This project is the Lead project to Companion project 109622 which includes the Bridge Rehabilitation Activities of the existing structure carrying SR 66 and the Graff Bridge Ramp (SR 8008) over US 422, SR 2025, and Garretts Run and other miscellaneous construction, as indicated on the approved drawings included in the bid package for STATE ROUTE 66, SECTION 158, in Armstrong COUNTY Manor TOWNSHIP from approximately The start of the existing structures at segment 0414 offset 2901 to approximately the end of the existing structure at segment 0430 offset 1336 , AND at segment 0012 offset 0000 to approximately the end of the existing structure at segment 0012 offset 1970