The description and location of the project are as follows replacement of the existing pipe conveying an Unnamed Tributary to the Susquehanna River under SR 220 in Ulster Township, Bradford County, with a precast reinforced concrete box culvert, other work included in bid package adjust alignment, pave approaches, guide rail and other related work within an overall length of 2063 linear feet (0.391 mile) as indicated on approved drawings for SR 220 Section 252 from Segment 0530 Offset 1043 to Segment 0540 Offset 082, from approximately 3.5 miles NORTH of the intersection of SR 6 at Segment 0460 Offset 0190 to approximately 0.6 miles SOUTH of the intersection with SR 4004 at Segment 0560 Offset 0000 in ULSTER TOWNSHIP, BRADFORD COUNTY.