1.0 Description. This provision contains general construction requirements for this project. 2.0 Construction Requirements. The plans and the asbestos and lead inspection report(s) for the existing structure(s) are included in the contract in the bridge electronic deliverables zip file for informational purposes only. 2.1 In order to assure the least traffic interference, the work shall be scheduled so that a lane closure is for the absolute minimum amount of time required to complete the work. A lane shall not be closed until material is available for continuous construction and the contractor is prepared to diligently pursue the work until the closed lane is opened to traffic. 2.2 Provisions shall be made to prevent any debris and material from falling into the waterway or onto the roadway. If determined necessary by the engineer, any debris and material that falls below the bridge outside the previously specified limits shall be removed as approved by the engineer at the contractor's expense. Traffic under the bridge shall be maintained in accordance with the contract documents. 2.3 Any damage sustained to the remaining structure as a result of the contractor's operations shall be repaired or the material replaced as approved by the engineer at the contractor's expense. 2.4 Provisions shall be made to prevent damage to any existing utilities. Any damage sustained to the utilities as a result of the contractor's operations shall be the responsibility of the contractor. All costs of repair and disruption of service shall be as determined by the utility owners and as approved by the engineer. 2.5 SSPC-SP2 and SSPC-SP3 surface preparation shall be in accordance with the environmental regulations in Sec 1081, and collection of residue shall be in accordance with Sec 1081 for collection of blast residue. SSPC-SP6, SSPC-SP10 and SSPC-SP11 surface preparation shall be in accordance with the approved blast media and environmental regulations in Sec 1081, and collection of blast residue shall be in accordance with Sec 1081.