The description and location of the project is as follows: Microsurfacing, Paving, Epoxy and line painting, as indicated on the approved drawings included in the bid package for STATE ROUTE 1016, SECTION 007 from approximately 0.01 miles south of the intersection with State Route 1023 at Segment 0050 Offset 0000 to approximately 0.01 miles North of the intersection with State Route 1019 at Segment 0020 Offset 0000 in BERWICK BOROUGH, COLUMBIA COUNTY and for STATE ROUTE 1021, SECTION 007 from 0.10 miles south of the intersection with Sixth Ave in BERWICK BOROUGH to approximately 0.01 miles north of the intersection with State Route 1016 at Segment 0040 Offset 0000 in BERWICK BOROUGH, COLUMBIA COUNTY and STATE ROUTE 1023, SECTION 016 from 0.01 miles south of the intersection with Sixth Ave in BERWICK BOROUGH to approximately 0.02 miles north of the intersection with State Route 0011 at Segment 0421 Offset 0096 in BERWICK BOROUGH, COLUMBIA COUNTY and STATE ROUTE 1027, SECTION 007 from 0.01 miles south of the intersection with Broad Street in BRIAR CREEK TOWNSHIP to approximately 0.02 miles southwest of the intersection with Eight Street in BERWICK BOROUGH, COLUMBIA COUNTY and for STATE ROUTE 2028, SECTION 017 from 0.02 miles south of the intersection with State Route 0011 at Segment 0320 Offset 0654 to approximately 0.02 miles northwest of the intersection with State Route 0339 at Segment 0380 Offset 0000 in SOUTH CENTRE AND MIFFLIN TOWNSHIP, COLUMBIA COUNTY