No wet or molded grain straw will be accepted under any circumstance. All baled mulch must be dry, grain straw, standard size, rectangular, firmly packed bales, weighing from 32 to 45 pounds, bound together with bailing twine (wire bound bales will not be accepted). Bales mustremain intact during routine handling. Mulch shall be reasonably free from excessive number of noxious weeds as defined by the North Carolina Department of Agriculture (NCDA). All baled mulch shall be in compliance with all applicable State and Federal plant pest quarantines, such as the red imported fire ant, witchweed, etc. If baled mulch shipments are made from a quarantined area, a certificate issued by NCDA must accompany it stating that it is in compliance with applicable quarantine requirements. Should Contractor deliver or supply bales that fail to meet the average weight-per-bale requirement, all subsequent delivered or supplied loads must be accompanied by a weight ticket from scales certified by the NCDA. The scales shall be operated by a properly licensed weighmaster in accordance with Chapter 81A of the General Statutes of North Carolina. The weight ticket must contain the following information: date, type of material, gross weight, tare weight, net weight, baled mulch supplier’s name, public weigh master’s stamp or number and signature or initials, and the purchase order number. If any grain straw supplied to fulfill this contract is to be stored by the supplier for more than 3 months, the storage area shall be treated with Dursban, Malatihion, Tempo, or another insecticide suitable to eliminate straw itch mites. If straw itch mites are found in the mulch in quantities suitable to cause irritation problems to NCDOT employees applying the grain straw, the supplier may be asked to allow the return of contaminated product and product and replace it with mite-free grain straw. Grain straw mulch originating in counties regulated for imported fire ant (Solenopsis invicta), witchweed (Striga asiatica), or other noxious weeds shall be accompanied with a certificate or permit issued by the North Carolina Department of Agriculture (NCDA) or the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). An official verification will be issued by NCDA/USDA when hay shipments originate in non-regulated counties to document the plant pest status of the county. Information on how to secure the permits/certificates or official verifications may be obtained from the NCDA at 1-800-206- 9333. Shipments of hay found to be moving without certificates/permits or found to be infested with a plant pest may be placed under stop sale and returned to the shipper at his expense, treated at shipper expense under the direction of the NCDA/USDA, or destroyed. Any contamination of the NCDOT storage facilities and/or rights of way by plant pests or other contaminants will become the contractor’s responsibility for cleanup and/or deposition. Any inconsistencies or falsification of information will result in the immediate termination of the contract.